Important Message - Please Read!

14 Jan 2022 by Rachel Feldpausch

Good evening bears!

It has been brought to our attention since the Team App management change (ie. “Stack”), and the advent of our Elementary teams in Team App, that some families have been having issues with receiving the messages relevant to their athletes.

In effort to ensure that everyone is getting the information they need, we would like to ask that every member (athlete, parent, siblings, family members, etc.) in Team App check their account to be sure that they are in the right groups.

To do this, follow the following steps:
1. Open Team App
2. Click on Winter Sports
3. Click on the gear on the top right side of the screen
4. Under the header “membership” click on “access groups”
5. Once you are here you will be able to see which groups you are a member of under “Joined Groups” – take note of which groups you are currently a member of.
6. Then look at the “available groups” list and join any that apply to you.

This will ensure that you get information for all of the teams relevant to you and your family. We ask that every member of your family that is in Team App check their account settings to be sure that you are all getting the information you need.*

If you have trouble with this, no worries, you can feel free to send me an email at and I would be glad to help as soon as I’m available to do so.

Elementary basketball parents – Coach Padilla and I will both be at the Lower School tomorrow for the games, so if you have questions you would like to ask us in person please bring them to us! We will be glad to help.

Elementary Basketball Schedule for Saturday January 15th (Tomorrow):
3rd-5th Grade Boys vs. Ridgeview at 10am (Lower School Gym)
3rd-5th Grade Girls Inter-Team Scrimmage at 11am (Lower School Gym)
K-2nd Grade Girls Scrimmage at 12:30pm (Lower School Gym)
K-2nd Grade Boys Scrimmage at 1:30pm (Lower School Gym)

Thanks for helping ensure we can communicate effectively with all of you!

Happy Friday, and let’s go bears!

In Christ,
Rachel Feldpausch

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